Efficiency and Performance
11.6 Efficiency and Performance
11.6.1 Efficiency
- UNIX pre-allocates inodes, which occupies space even before any files are created.
- UNIX also distributes inodes across the disk, and tries to store data files near their inode, to reduce the distance of disk seeks between the inodes and the data.
- Some systems use variable size clusters depending on the file size.
- The more data that is stored in a directory ( e.g. last access time ), the more often the directory blocks have to be re-written.
- As technology advances, addressing schemes have had to grow as well.
- Sun's ZFS file system uses 128-bit pointers, which should theoretically never need to be expanded. ( The mass required to store 2^128 bytes with atomic storage would be at least 272 trillion kilograms! )
- Kernel table sizes used to be fixed, and could only be changed by rebuilding the kernels. Modern tables are dynamically allocated, but that requires more complicated algorithms for accessing them.
11.6.2 Performance
- Disk controllers generally include on-board caching. When a seek is requested, the heads are moved into place, and then an entire track is read, starting from whatever sector is currently under the heads ( reducing latency. ) The requested sector is returned and the unrequested portion of the track is cached in the disk's electronics.
- Some OSes cache disk blocks they expect to need again in a buffer cache.
- A page cache connected to the virtual memory system is actually more efficient as memory addresses do not need to be converted to disk block addresses and back again.
- Some systems ( Solaris, Linux, Windows 2000, NT, XP ) use page caching for both process pages and file data in a unified virtual memory.
- Figures 11.11 and 11.12 show the advantages of the unified buffer cache found in some versions of UNIX and Linux - Data does not need to be stored twice, and problems of inconsistent buffer information are avoided.

- Page replacement strategies can be complicated with a unified cache, as one needs to decide whether to replace process or file pages, and how many pages to guarantee to each category of pages. Solaris, for example, has gone through many variations, resulting in priority paging giving process pages priority over file I/O pages, and setting limits so that neither can knock the other completely out of memory.
- Another issue affecting performance is the question of whether to implement synchronous writes or asynchronous writes. Synchronous writes occur in the order in which the disk subsystem receives them, without caching; Asynchronous writes are cached, allowing the disk subsystem to schedule writes in a more efficient order ( See Chapter 12. ) Metadata writes are often done synchronously. Some systems support flags to the open call requiring that writes be synchronous, for example for the benefit of database systems that require their writes be performed in a required order.
- The type of file access can also have an impact on optimal page replacement policies. For example, LRU is not necessarily a good policy for sequential access files. For these types of files progression normally goes in a forward direction only, and the most recently used page will not be needed again until after the file has been rewound and re-read from the beginning, ( if it is ever needed at all. ) On the other hand, we can expect to need the next page in the file fairly soon. For this reason sequential access files often take advantage of two special policies:
- Free-behind frees up a page as soon as the next page in the file is requested, with the assumption that we are now done with the old page and won't need it again for a long time.
- Read-ahead reads the requested page and several subsequent pages at the same time, with the assumption that those pages will be needed in the near future. This is similar to the track caching that is already performed by the disk controller, except it saves the future latency of transferring data from the disk controller memory into motherboard main memory.
- The caching system and asynchronous writes speed up disk writes considerably, because the disk subsystem can schedule physical writes to the disk to minimize head movement and disk seek times. ( See Chapter 12. ) Reads, on the other hand, must be done more synchronously in spite of the caching system, with the result that disk writes can counter-intuitively be much faster on average than disk reads.